Dear Aunty B,
I am a mum and an entrepreneur and have turned my name into my brand.
The problem is I am getting married and my husband wants me to take his name because he thinks it will be easier. I am not bothered either way but I worry it will upset my branding. What do you think? It will cost me having to redo collateral, business cards, branding, plus having to change all my online stuff.
Byron Bay
Dear JL,
Men are not a great judge on what is easy. They clean gutters on rooftops in howling storms for goodness stakes. Besides, what are you asking me for? I would rather poke a stick in my eye than take someone else’s name. Think about it. Your parents would have argued bitterly about the name they were going to give you for nine months. It had to work well with your surname. It had to reflect the family values, your heritage, where you came from. It certainly defines who you are. And all for what? So you can take the name of some bloke that you’ve known for three seconds and have a 50/50 chance of getting divorced.
Plus, have you ever tried to change your identity? They don’t make it easy. In fact you try changing all those documents, your social profile, your emails, OMG your license, your passport… actually I can’t go on. I have to go and lie down.
So tell him he can take your name because that will be easier for you!
Good luck,
Your Aunty B
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