Dear Aunty B,
After five years of breaking even, we finished last financial year with some great results. Based on that I put in place an aggressive expansion plan. Then Q2 fell in a hole and I am left with the PLAN that is half implemented, a distracted team and a feeling of profound disappointment as I am back to square one: making the bloody thing work and with fresh doubts that my new plans will work.
Aunty, why couldn’t I just have stuck to the core business and had a nice life this year? The kids are starting school and I could have spent a very nice year being home at 5pm. Now I am looking at a breakdown. Again!!
Shoot me now,
Dear Shoot me now,
Oh, stop complaining. You know exactly what to do. You are just having a whinge. This all comes with the territory. Entrepreneurs always leap before they can crawl which puts financial pressure on both you and the team.
You have to be innovative and turn new ideas into products and services or you go backwards. What you have to do now is this. Get out of the office for the day with your core team and spend the day on strategy.
What do you need to make the core business work in the short-term and in the long-term? What are the most promising parts of the new plan? Can you introduce that in stages? Lastly, what can you do to make sure you get home at 5pm this year and what assistance can you put in place to stop you having a breakdown?
But then you knew all that, didn’t you?
Good luck!
Your Aunty B
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