Dear Aunty B,
My New Year resolution was to grow. But then I am back in the office and despite an off-site, fresh goals and a big giddy up session no one has changed at all! I looked around the office today and thought that unless I stick a bomb under everyone nothing will happen and we are going to go on like this forever.
I remember why I started this business which was to give me freedom, but I work very long hours while everyone enjoys this workplace. That was never my intention. But how do I change my leadership style without becoming an arsehole?
I also think people might leave as one of the reasons we attract good staff is we are such a laidback kind of place!
Upright, not laidback
Dear Upright,
You don’t have to be an arsehole to run a fast growing business. What you have to have is a sense of urgency. The bomb needs to go up your own bum and ignite your leadership team. You are nuts! Everyone is having a great time on the cart while you are sweating away, pulling the horse.
The first thing you must do is cement your leadership team. These are the people who need to understand the sense of urgency, the vision for the business and the strategy. They are the people that pull the horse.
Your job is to stand in front and tell them where to go, how to get there and what time they should arrive (yesterday!!!). And my friend, you will notice that while you are standing in front, you have time to think about which direction to go because the team is running the business.
Once you find the right team, you motivate them with money, with passion and with vision. But they must also know that they have a position of great responsibility and if they don’t meet the challenge they may be better off somewhere else more laidback – like your competitors.
You have taken the first step by realising the issue lies with you. Now you must imbue your leadership team with the same desire for growth and an urgency to act.
Good luck!
Your Aunty B
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