Dear Aunty B,
I have just completely lost it with one of my teams. They had a problem with a client and instead of trying to come up with an innovative solution, they blamed the client’s creative for the problem.
Of course, we have lost the client and when I asked them how they would have handled this differently they shrugged their shoulders and basically reiterated what they had told the client.
This team never used to be like this but there is a new member who seems to be having quite an effect on their thinking. How do I deal with this?
Lost a client,
Dear Lost a client,
You nip this in the bud. You have a cultural issue. Your people are feeling powerless to come up with solutions. So you have to start rebuilding their beliefs in what you are selling and get your staff to realise they are all strategists who are in the job to execute your company’s vision and goals.
Anyone who deals with a customer should understand they have the authority to look at any situation and come up with a great solution. And of course, they are so imbued with your company’s values that they know which lines never to cross.
We have a motto in our company that “everyone is a strategist”. There is no line between those who come up with the solutions and those who implement and execute. That works very well. And yes, you can borrow it!
Good luck!
Your Aunty B
Aunty B is currently on holidays sailing the South Pacific and sipping piña coladas, but she will be back soon with fresh advice for your business.
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This article first appeared on February 3rd, 2012.