Dear Aunty B,
I head up a software company that is about to hit the world stage. We are looking for investment and have been told we need some “grey hair”. Why?
I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but everyone we are talking to is young. And we are also working in an area that hard for older people to understand – no offense. I have my mum in accounts but I have had to put her in a side office as she can’t stand the swearing or the breakfast bowls.
Young and proud,
Dear Young and Proud,
So you know what a business cycle looks like do you? Can spot difficult times coming from a long way away? Understand how to navigate through the numerous crises that threaten a small business? And you can also see the future because you have so much experience of the past. Oh, and you understand the supplier channels and have great contacts through networks? And you can act as a facilitator to access money or networks of wealthy individuals to fund your next round of growth?
You can do all that? Aren’t you lucky! And of course everyone in your industry knows you and you have enormous credibility and a terrific reputation!
Maybe I should put it this way. If you don’t have experienced people on your board, you don’t know what you are missing. If you do, you can’t imagine being in business without them – even though on bad days they will drive you nuts!
And if I was you I would move your mum into the nicest office you have. She is doing so much more than you could possibly know and you won’t appreciate her for years. Just take my word for it.
Be smart
Your Aunty B