Dear Aunty B,
I feel like a train has run over me. One of my most long-term, loyal staff has been working with a client on providing them a service “outside hours”.
Although the service doesn’t directly compete with ours it is certainly complementary and it is something we have discussed adding to our service offer. The reason I found out was the client sent an email to her in business hours to reschedule a meeting and CC’d me in. Even then I didn’t twig until I asked her about it and she looked so flushed and weird I thought she was going to have a heart attack.
She told me what she was doing but said she didn’t think it would be a problem because it wasn’t a service we offer. I told her it was very much a problem. I was so angry at her betrayal I then told her to leave for the day knowing she is now off on holidays for two weeks. And now I am thinking I may have over-reacted and I don’t want to lose her, but I have to know she is loyal!
How do I trust her and how do I deal with this? I don’t want to lose her. Part of me wants to believe she just made a mistake. But maybe she is setting up in competition to me. Help!
Trust is everything,
Dear Trust is everything,
It is always a shock when our staff betray us. They often don’t understand how much time, energy and pride we bestow on them as they view us as the “boss”. But while you view this as a betrayal, she doesn’t. There was a job on offer, a bit of extra money and she took it.
What you need to do now is put it into perspective. Ask her to meet you to sort things out before she starts the holiday. Point out to her that you have a policy on moonlighting. Tell her what that policy is. Some workplaces tolerate moonlighting if the boss knows about it and it never interferes with the main job.
Others ban it altogether. If you don’t tolerate moonlighting be very clear about it. Make sure you speak to her professionally about your expectations and try to stay away from using words like loyalty and betrayal. What you want from her is a heartfelt apology. Then make sure you move on. We all have to trust our staff. The pain we feel when we are let down is the price we pay.
Be smart,
Your Aunty B
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