Dear Aunty B,
I have come in to take over as GM at an entrepreneurial company but chaotic would be a better description. No one seems to have any idea of who the target market is and when I ask them who they want to buy their software they just keep telling me professional services firms.
How do I get them beyond this without paying a fortune for a marketing consultant? I need to do it fast and have other responsibilities to also get onto and we are spraying around a lot of money trying to reach an ideal customer without anyone really knowing who they are.
Seeking clarity,
Dear Seeking clarity,
It happens. You are growing fast, setting large targets, you add new sales people and before you know it the original focus on the profitable customer born out of desperation and no money has been lost. So here is what you drum into your staff. You are looking for customers who can get the greatest benefit, pay a higher price and can make a decision quickly.
What you need to do is this. You have an offsite across two days and you follow these questions which come to you courtesy of Tom McKaskill:
- What type of customers would derive the maximum benefit from your software?
- Where do you have the best fit?
- When do you get the highest referrals?
- What type of customer makes the quickest decision to choose your product and service relative to your competitors?
- Where do you find the least resistance to the sale?
Once you have that clear picture of the customer make sure you disseminate that across the company. And don’t forget to drum it into any new comers. It should be the conversation you have as you show them where the bathroom is!
Be smart,
Your Aunty B
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