Dear Aunty B,
I have a problem with pigs in my workplace. They leave dirty bowls around, they leave food in the fridge for months and stuff in the cupboards for so long we got a moth infestation.
The trouble is there is only a handful of them. Most of our staff are clean, respectful and treat our office like their own kitchen.
So far we have been putting up nasty notices warning people we will close the kitchen, etc. But I want to personally name and shame. Why shouldn’t the culprits be publicly denounced and why should our great staff always have to read nasty notes in the kitchen which actually don’t work?
Clean cop,
Dear Clean cop,
You’re asking me? You realise I am a long time member of the fourth estate and that esteemed estate has made a living from naming and shaming anything for a good story. So don’t expect political correctness from me.
Of course you should name and shame the individuals. Make it part of their performance review. Drag them into your office and tell ’em off. Have a list on the door naming the culprits so everyone else can monitor their behaviour and report back. What you want to encourage is a bit of Stasi type spying, although pretend it is all in good cheer and a hoot. I do agree with you. Why should all those lovely clean people be faced with nasty notices when all they want is a nice cup of tea?
Be smart,
Your Aunty B
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