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I feel like I’m not getting anything done during the day. Help!

Hi Aunty B, I’ve recently been promoted to manager but I’m really, really struggling with time management. Every day I get into work with a long list of things to do and I leave every night with most of the things still not done. Then I go home and start trying to work through those […]

Hi Aunty B,

I’ve recently been promoted to manager but I’m really, really struggling with time management. Every day I get into work with a long list of things to do and I leave every night with most of the things still not done. Then I go home and start trying to work through those things, only to get distracted and get into work to start the whole process again.

It’s killing me. I know every manager probably feels like this, but it just seems to be getting on top of me.

Time poor,

Dear Time poor,

Welcome to the world of management. Sleepless nights, issues with staff members, budgets to be met – this is all the fun stuff you’ve got to get used to.

But calm down a bit. That feeling that you’re never getting anything done strikes all managers from time to time and it can especially strike new managers.

What you need to do is take some advice from SmartCompany blogger Eve Ash, who is an expert on time management. She’s got two great ideas that I think you can use.

Firstly, rank the top three priorities you have in your new role. What are the three key things you absolutely must focus on every day to play your part in the company? Once you’ve got these priories clear in your mind, you can start judging the importance of the various tasks that get thrown at you. You’ll pretty quickly be able to sort the very important from the not so important.

Eve also says that a great way to kick-start your day and build up confidence that you can actually get stuff done is by setting yourself five “do now” tasks. These are five relatively easy things that you can do at the start of the day (make a phone call, talk to a staff member, clean your desk) in 15 minutes and while you are standing up.

You’ll start the day with a little sense of accomplishment and extra energy.

Be smart,
Your Aunty B

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