Hi Aunty B,
Thanks for answering my question yesterday on what to do for our staff Christmas party. I was also wondering if we can open up a question to discuss Christmas gifts for customers.
We have done lunches, food/drink hampers wine, chocolates and even a cake last year (which got the best feedback as it was a bit different to the normal gifts).
Thanks for taking some stress off me.
Non-Party Animal
Dear Non Party Animal,
I never got a cake. What sort of cake was it? You never sent us a cake. I think cakes are a great idea. Even better if they are little cupcakes. Or do you mean a Christmas cake? I love the idea of your clients stopping for a piping hot cup of tea, a bit of fruitcake and a chat about how fabulous you are. I would think very kindly of you and absolutely give you a big contract next year worth many millions of dollars if I was your client.
Lunches? Lunches are tricky. We are at that time of year when any function that is not absolutely critical becomes a bit of a chore. And I think people are a bit stressed this year in particular. And given you are a non-party animal looking for less stress, I am not sure your clients would relish spending a few hours with you in the middle of a busy day. You don’t sound like you are much fun which is not surprising given it is nearly Christmas and the economy is shite.
Wine? Wine and food hampers are always fabulous, mainly because you can re-gift anything you don’t want and you have another stress solved: what to give the extended family at Christmas.
What do we give our clients? Last year we gave them vouchers so they could choose their own experience. Given we are the media of choice and opportunity, that seemed like a good idea. We got some great feedback on that (cheap to send as well!)
The year before – and the year before that – we sent wine. And the year before that I think we sent love and hand-made cards because we were a start-up and broke.
I am sure our SmartCompany readers will have some ideas – anyone?
Be smart,
Your Aunty B
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