Dear Aunty B,
My dad is my mentor who is a very successful businessman. He helped me set up my business from home after I decided not to go back to my corporate job after the birth of my second child.
The business is in its third year and last year we moved into an office and I put together a board that includes my father, business partner and our accountant.
My problem is my dad treats it like his business. He gets cross if anyone disagrees with him and he argues a point for hours until everyone is worn down.
The other day we had a huge fight over the way he wants the accounts presented and the way the accountant wants them.
I agree with the accountant and when I told my dad he resigned from the board and told me I was on my own. How do I win him back without backing down?
Dear Upset,
Congratulations! Really! This is marvellous. You have got rid of him! And he chose to go. You didn’t even have to sack him, which would have been a lot harder.
You must now take him around a bottle of wine and thank him for his contribution but tell him you understand his decision. And make sure he doesn’t change his mind!
A company needs a board that is independent and objective and your dad wasn’t. Look at the strife Rupert is in!
One more thing: whenever you feel unsure tell yourself you are a grown up who has so far made a success of it and you are just going to get smarter and wiser.
Now your dad can just be your dad.
Be smart,
Your Aunty B
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