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Australian universities rank in top 100 for making millionaires

Australian universities are among the top 100 worldwide for churning out millionaires, but the UK and USA are heavily represented ahead of home-grown institutions, a report for Spear’s magazine concludes. Of the six Australian universities on the list the top was the University of New South Wales at 33, followed by Sydney University at 44, […]
Dan Moss

Australian universities are among the top 100 worldwide for churning out millionaires, but the UK and USA are heavily represented ahead of home-grown institutions, a report for Spear’s magazine concludes.

Of the six Australian universities on the list the top was the University of New South Wales at 33, followed by Sydney University at 44, University of Melbourne at 46, Monash University at 73, University of Queensland at 87 and the University of Western Australia at 84.

But to usher in a wealthy future, budding entrepreneurs should aim to study at top universities in the USA, the UK or France. Among the top 30 universities on the list, 22 are in the USA, three are in the UK and four are in France. Tel Aviv University is at 16 and Bocconi University in Italy is at 24.

Harvard, followed by Harvard Business School, ranked first and second. Oxford was at 6 outranking Cambridge at 9, followed by the London School of Economics at 27.

Spear’s reported many entrepreneurs study in a field such as engineering or politics and move into the finance sector.

But there is still hope for those who didn’t graduate from university – among the 1% of entrepreneurs not counted because they didn’t finish, and sometimes didn’t start, university are billionaires Sir Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin group, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who didn’t finish his degree at Harvard.

Among our success stories is Australian media player Harold Mitchell, who left school at 16 to work with his saw-miller father 54 years ago and went on to become a giant in Australian media.