Power Players know the pain of defeat because they embrace it.
They don’t sweep it under the rug or worse, pretend it never happened.
They keep the feeling close to their chest and when they get cocky or too eager, they remember that defeat can happen in the blink of an eye.
There are two powerful truths at play here. First, if you know what it truly feels like to fail, you will do whatever you can to avoid that feeling again.
Second, if you’ve been defeated (publicly) and survived, you’ve really nothing to fear at all. Hitting rock bottom can be a liberating experience and you can then spend your time focusing on the comeback, rather than on the fear of defeat.
Power Players know that the thing we most fear is the fear not the event itself. It’s the drama and self-created doom that comes with a potential defeat rather than the defeat itself.
Learn from the very best Power Players and let defeat make you powerful.