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How do we tell our boss we don’t want him on Twitter?

Dear Aunty B, Our boss has just joined the modern age. He is on Facebook and now Twitter. You would think the world has stopped and started spinning the other way such is his excitement. It’s like no one but him has ever tweeted before. Or that nothing ever actually happened on Twitter until he […]
Andrew Sadauskas
Andrew Sadauskas

Dear Aunty B,

Our boss has just joined the modern age. He is on Facebook and now Twitter.

You would think the world has stopped and started spinning the other way such is his excitement. It’s like no one but him has ever tweeted before. Or that nothing ever actually happened on Twitter until he deigned to join.

Anyway the problem is he is now joining in!

So last Friday night we were all talking about where we were meeting after work and he jumped in and suggested a place and we all ended up having to go there and have a drink with him on our Friday night.

Someone also tweeted about having a crap chair and he tells the GM to get a new chair when the guy was just sounding off like he always does and there was nothing really wrong with his chair except he didn’t know how to do the lever things. I suppose the worst thing is we now know he is following us all and so we can’t really be ourselves anymore.

Why do we have to put up with this?

Bobbi D


Dear Bobbi D,

Gee you’re mean. There he is, your silly old boss, trying to fit in and you make him a laughing stock. Do you know how lonely it is being a boss? Huh? Your staff are wary of you, your board is always looking for reasons to sack you. Your clients never want to buy enough from you.

Most Friday nights the only person your boss probably talks to is the office cleaner. Your boss isn’t a dunce. He knows on occasion you are a bunch of foul-mouthed, drunken twerps. So, until he acts like a boss on Twitter, give him the benefit of the doubt.

And ask him for a drink now and again. On Twitter. You’ll make his year.


Be smart,

Your Aunty B (who just had a lovely chat to the office cleaner).