Hi Aunty B,
I have just started a new job and the verbal description given by the boss about what I am to do is very vague.
Does my employer have to give me a job description?
Dear Linda,
The simple answer is no. Your employer is not required to supply you with a job description.
The employer is required to identify the relevant award or agreement classification, if there is one, on pay slips and employee records. But that’s it, according to our legal expert Peter Vitale.
However, there are loads of good reasons why your boss should put down on paper what your job is.
First, the boss needs to set KPIs against the job description.
Second, if there are issues around redundancy or termination, then the boss needs to be able to reference the job description and KPIs.
Lastly, it just makes great business sense to outline what someone does when they show up every day and decide to spend the bulk of their daylight hours with you and not Joe Blow down the road.
But Linda, don’t sulk. See this as an opportunity to write your own. You may as well do your own KPIs while you are about it. Then sit down with your boss and run through it, including the bit where you get a pay rise when your KPIs are met!
Be smart,
Your Aunty B
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