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Nine TED talks every entrepreneur should watch

9. How to get your ideas to spread It’s not important how good your idea is, marketing guru Seth Godin says, it’s about how good your method of spreading the idea is – the idea he promotes is that “Ideas that spread, win”. Godin says consumers don’t care about ‘you’ at all – they have […]
Nine TED talks every entrepreneur should watch

9. How to get your ideas to spread

It’s not important how good your idea is, marketing guru Seth Godin says, it’s about how good your method of spreading the idea is – the idea he promotes is that “Ideas that spread, win”.

Godin says consumers don’t care about ‘you’ at all – they have more choices and less time – and in a world where everybody has more choices and less time, the obvious thing to do is just ignore things. The challenge is to spread an idea worthy of the attention of other people.

Godin says the most important question to ask when marketing an idea is: “Is it remarkable; is it worth making a remark about?”