Being the boss of your image means reserving the right to constantly reinvent yourself.
Everyone has history. Everyone has a past. The thing Power Players always remember is never to be a slave to it.
Just because you were once the party guy of the office, who was big on booze and cigarettes, doesn’t mean you can’t be the guy who now prefers water and an early night.
We all get to define ourselves and we also reserve the right to change. Power Players know it’s up to us to determine how the world sees us, rather than living by other people’s versions of us.
You own your image and it’s up to you never to forget it.
Power Players take heed from people like Madonna. Always reinventing. Always thinking about who they are and who they want to be.
Don’t be a slave to your past. If you don’t like who you’ve become (or are becoming) then change it. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. You get to be exactly who you want to be – you just have to decide to do it.
Power Players are very, very good at remembering this.