Power Players can give a pep talk as good as the one in Braveheart. When Mel Gibson’s William Wallace bellows: “They may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom”, you want to jump to your feet and applaud. I cried a tsunami.
It’s the type of oratory that lifts you up from your bootstraps. It makes you want to be better, do better: be more courageous and Herculean.
Power Players can give a Hollywood-sized pep talk. The type that makes its audience ignore fear, exhaustion, doubt and self-loathing. The type that makes the listener run (not walk) into the fire.
Power Players know that a great pep talk contains three of the following ingredients: heart, encouragement and truth.
Pep talks are required at the lowest possible moments: right when everyone wants to lie down and die.
Power Players know how to motivate like nobody’s business. It’s ‘the talk’ that keeps on giving. Learn how to give an awesome pep talk. It’s mandatory for every aspiring Player.