Holding a minority point of view isn’t a vice. If you find yourself constantly on the side of the majority, maybe it’s time to make sure you’re siding with the group because you believe the answer and not simply because it’s expedient.
The best Power Players usually hold minority points of view because it’s this thinking that changes history. It takes new thinking to push boundaries and break convention. No one who ever did anything great didn’t forge a new frontier or bring a new way of thinking into the world.
Big, new, fresh ideas don’t usually come from the majority. They often come from the minority and if you aspire to Power Player status, that means you.
If your ideas are exactly the same as everybody else’s maybe it’s time to pause. If you’re not disagreeing from time to time then you’re not seeing things in a new way. Questioning accepted thought and accepted wisdom is part of the job description of a Power Player and if that’s your ambition, you should be holding minority opinions from time to time too.