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Power Play: Impossible? Never say never

It’s a big word. What’s more, it’s usually an opinion and rarely a fact. And Power Players know this. When Power Players hear the word impossible, they’re already 10 steps ahead, and are trying to figure out ways to make it possible. An interesting experiment is to separate a room into two groups, lob the […]
Rose Herceg

It’s a big word. What’s more, it’s usually an opinion and rarely a fact. And Power Players know this.

When Power Players hear the word impossible, they’re already 10 steps ahead, and are trying to figure out ways to make it possible.

An interesting experiment is to separate a room into two groups, lob the word ‘impossible’ into a conversation and see what happens.

Power Players’ heads start working on how to make the impossible go away. They think aloud, they ask why, they put together a blueprint in their heads on how to solve the problem.

On a grander scale, what this says about Power Players is that they are perpetually set on positive.

Their eternal optimism gives them the edge in pretty much every business situation because their default position is one of possibility and promise.

Impossible really is nothing for Power Players and it’s a valuable lesson for all those aspiring to become one.