“The final proof of greatness lies in being able to endure criticism without resentment.”
Elbert Hubbard said this and how! You can count on one hand the number of people who can take the heat and not retaliate.
When most of us are faced with criticism of any kind, our first reaction is to lash out. Few of us take a breath see if the criticism is warranted (most times it is), take our medicine and replace hubris with humility.
Of all the Power Players I admire, the one I admire the most is a guy who screwed up and screwed up huge. He was set straight by the global CEO who did not mince words or clean up the language and was absolutely justified in doing so.
The Power Player guy knew he was wrong (so wrong): he kept his head down, apologised to the people who deserved an apology and changed his ways.
He never exhibited those awful qualities again and moreover, he never resented the criticism. A giant of a man, if you ask me, and exactly the behaviour that proves greatness.