It’s not news that mums can find it hard to secure a job in the workforce these days. And this is particularly true for single mums — the jugglers extraordinaire.
Yet, having been a single mum for six years, and working closely with single mums every day, I believe employers need to better consider the skills, resilience and experience of single mums. We are women who, through circumstance, have mastered the exact qualities required from an employee. We are a valuable asset to any workforce.
So if you’re an employer who is hesitant to give a single mum a chance, or if you’re a single mum in need of a confidence boost to get you through the interview stage and into your dream job, then consider these points.
Single mums are multi-tasking hard workers
Being a single mother is rewarding and wonderful in many ways, but I’m not denying that it’s extremely hard work. As the sole earner, home-keeper and children’s entertainer, we are the masters of multitasking. Throw multiple work projects our way and we won’t bat an eyelid. Single mums, by nature, multitask effortlessly and make light of even the heaviest workload.
Single mums are organised in every aspect
We know that to multitask successfully we have to be organised, and organisation is the key to being a successful single mum, and employee.
I believe single mums have learnt the art of being controlled and coordinated, and can encourage those around her to follow her lead.
Single mums are confident communicators
Any successful business is built on excellent and efficient communication, and this I believe is the ultimate strong point of single mums. A relationship breakdown and subsequent co-parenting role are just a couple of aspects of single motherhood that require excellent communication. Talking to hard-to-please customers or broaching a difficult topic with a team member is a walk-in-the-park for most single mums. We often have experience in dealing with similar situations.
Single mums ‘get it’ on every level
The journey of a single mum is a wild one packed full of emotions at every turn. From each stage of this journey we learn about ourselves, and from this we can help others. We understand the strain of a stressed-out boss trying to meet a deadline, and we understand the upset of an office junior who is struggling with their workload. Single mums are compassionate and kind, and every workplace could use a little more of that.
Single mums don’t give-up easy
We’re resilient, determined ladies with plenty of experience in overcoming obstacles. I believe there’s very little that’ll phase a single mum at home or in the work place. We know life isn’t always what we expect and the unexpected is often the norm. The employer who is looking for self-reliant, resourceful staff can’t go wrong with a single mum.
Single mums are great team players
The most important tool in the tool box of a single mum is her support system. Single mums know how to reach out for support and how to offer it in return. This is an important quality for any team workplace. We can slip seamlessly into team environments and accept roles with integrity and professionalism.
This article was first published by Women’s Agenda.
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