Dear Aunty B,
I am a management consultant who works on helping businesses turn around and grow.
I recently had my CV redone by a recruiter and she asked me about my social footprint. I then added my LinkedIn address but she then asked me about Twitter.
Surely my clients – medium to large companies – don’t want to see me on Twitter? I would think that would count against me, especially as I am a grey hair, and that is how I sell myself.
Dear BB,
Oh yes Sireee! They surely do. And guess what? The fact that you are a “grey hair” is even more reason for you to be on Twitter! You see, you are going to be assisting people to turn their businesses around and grow, you say.
Grey hair is good, as long as you are a young grey. What the hell is a young grey? A grey who has kept up with it all. How are you going to advise companies on turning around if they spend a fortune on print advertising and don’t understand the digital world? How are you going to be able to convince a company that its strategy is sound in a rapidly changing marketplace if you cannot convince them that you get the new ways that people now interact online?
You know when I get sent a CV the first thing I do is check LinkedIn and the second thing I do is check the Twitter feed. Politicians use it. CEOs use it. Management consultants use it. It is a great way to circulate things for your clients to read. If I was you, I would get onto the Twitter feeds of people you respect and study their style. And then work out your own.
Be smart,
Your Aunty B
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