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Today is Equal Pay Day: Here are the stats you need to know

It’s Equal Pay Day! But you’re probably in no mood to celebrate, despite the fact the national gender pay gap has dropped — wait for it — 0.9% in the past 12 months. Right now the gender pay gap in Australia is 15.3% according to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), based on ABS stats. That means […]
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It’s Equal Pay Day!

But you’re probably in no mood to celebrate, despite the fact the national gender pay gap has dropped — wait for it — 0.9% in the past 12 months.

Right now the gender pay gap in Australia is 15.3% according to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), based on ABS stats.

That means men working full-time are earning an average $251.20 more than women working full-time.

Equal Pay Day marks the additional time from the end of the past financial year that women must work in order to earn the same yearly salary as men.

Here are some other stats to know about the gender pay gap in Australia, according to WGEA:

• The gender pay gap is 5.7% for women 20 and under, meaning it starts as soon as men and women enter the paid workforce;

• The pay gap is around 12% for men and women between the ages of 21 and 44. It later hits 20% for those 45 to 55, before landing at 17% for those 55 and over;

• For every hour of unpaid work a man does, women are performing one hour and 46 minutes of such work;

• The full-time total remuneration pay gap (when including bonuses and other factors) is 23.1%;

• 57.4% of manager appointments are still going to men;

• The part-time workforce is dominated by women, who make up three in four of such employees; and

• Women retire with 53% less superannuation than men, according to the Association of Super Funds of Australia.

You can check out WGEA’s data explorer, to learn more about the gender pay gap in your industry.

This an edited version of an article that was first published by Women’s Agenda.