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You’re all brand “good” in my book

In the past, my last blog for the year has been “The Good, the Brand and the Ugly” but this year I thought I’d take another approach. Because while there is plenty of brand good I can praise and no shortage of brand ugly to be lampooned, this year I’d like to give you some […]
Michel Hogan
Michel Hogan
You’re all brand “good” in my book

In the past, my last blog for the year has been “The Good, the Brand and the Ugly” but this year I thought I’d take another approach.

Because while there is plenty of brand good I can praise and no shortage of brand ugly to be lampooned, this year I’d like to give you some well-deserved end of year kudos.

For showing up every day even when it’s hard and sticking with whatever “it” you care about.

For choosing to follow your values even if they mean taking a harder path (it won’t be in the long run).

For seeing the people who work with and for you as people not as “human capital or resources”.

For ignoring the focus groups and “what everyone else does” and going with what is “right” for you.

For having the passion, courage and sheer bloody-mindedness it takes to build a brand and make promises you can keep.

So thanks for providing me with the inspiration for what I do and taking the time to read this blog. I always hope it provides some inspiration back or just something to do today to help you on your way.

I never take it for granted and am always grateful for the opportunity to share the ideas with you. You’re all “brand good” in my book.

Wishing you joy and peace to everyone for the holidays and see you in 2015.

Michel is an independent brand analyst dedicated to helping organisations make promises they can keep and keep the promises they make – with a strong, resilient organisation as the result. She also publishes a blog at