Protecting your confidential data is one of the most important tasks a business must fulfil, and it will only become more crucial as you grow.
With cybercrime rampant and the number of threats increasing by the day, protecting your data from hackers is imperative to success.
Your data is likely stored on computers, which are connected to the internet, so the first step is to invest in some powerful antivirus and firewall software. These will block a large number of threats. Also implement a spam filter, and vet every piece of email you receive – don’t click on a message or attachment you don’t recognise.
Make sure every possible piece of confidential data – which includes payroll, customer databases, contract information and so on – is password protected. Only give out these passwords to specific people you trust.
You will likely be using a smartphone to read data and access files on the go – make sure these are protected with passwords and passcodes, and ensure every other member of your staff has advanced security as well. Some hackers can gain access to phones through Wi-Fi networks, so having password protection is vital.
Do not underestimate how important it is to protect your data from thieves through rigorous security. Just imagine how it would feel to have your business strategy fall into the hands of a competitor.