As loyal readers will know, a couple of days ago, Old Taskmaster decided to unilaterally declare Friday May 3rd to be Capitalism Appreciation Day.
In short, it’s a day to commemorate the ways in which society benefits from the exertions and efforts of Australian entrepreneurs. That, and an excuse for an after-work Brandy Old-fashioned (assuming, of course, an excuse is ever needed for an Armagnac by a fireplace).
That, and “Capitalism Appreciation Day” sounds far better than “Widget Awareness Day” as an event. Then again, Taskmaster Appreciation Day has a certain ring to it – but I digress.
Of course, your event need not commemorate something as abstract as an economic system. An annual sale, a local fair orchestrated by your local chamber of commerce or a local crafts society concert sponsored by your business are all fine examples of the sort of event you should consider.
Even something as simple as hiring a few clowns and having a sausage sizzle to celebrate an esoteric occasion could be enough to mark the occasion – and gain the benefits.
Old Taskmaster, for instance, is hiring a giant inflatable parasol helter skelter for the car park of Taskmaster Towers in order to attract the masses on Capitalism Appreciation Day.
The benefits of having a key annual event on your business calendar are numerous.
First, it gives an interesting reason to send out press releases, blogs and social media messages to alert people ahead of time to your event. Instead of selling your product directly, you can pound the pavement to hype your event.
Subject to local council by-laws, you could perhaps also wheat-post some billboards on some bollards around your block ahead of time. Wear out those wellington boots, Old Taskmaster says!
Next, if you promote it properly, you should get people sampling your business who otherwise would not have. This is valuable in building brand awareness.
Finally, if all goes to plan, not only do you have another excuse to conduct another round of media, you also have many photos of smiling customers to promote your business with in the future.
So, what are you waiting for? Inflate those parasol rides, then return to the cellar to celebrate a job well done.
Get it done – today!