Fork the Cookbook is a personal scrapbook for recipes
A Sydney-based website called Fork the Cookbook aims to make the experience of modifying and sharing recipes a little easier.
“There is no one true recipe. We adapt, change, modify, tweak every time we cook,” says The Forking Chef in a blog post.
“We want to share our modifications with the world, but yet it is difficult and tedious to do so. Fork the Cookbook makes the experience of modifying and sharing recipes a little easier.
“Taking a cue from the open source community, users fork a version of a recipe when they want to make a variation.
“When someone makes their own version of your recipe and shares their modifications, everyone benefits.
“In essence, Fork the Cookbook functions as not only your personal scrapbook to keep track of all your favorite recipes but it is also the digital equivalent of margin scribbling.”
Given the plethora of food-related websites, anything that dares to be a bit different is always welcomed with open arms. Can you think of a quirky idea?