The Taskmaster was alarmed to see a recent study that claimed stress was costing Australian businesses $730 million a year.
Being such a Zen-like figure, I found it hard to believe. However, I know many entrepreneurs occasionally do feel the pressure of running a start-up, so it’s time we tackled this problem head on with a very simple solution – go for a walk.
Stress is caused be lots of things, but not exercising and not eating properly do nothing to help. Going for a nice long walk (at least 20 minutes) at lunchtime is a great way to solve a number of these problems.
Get something healthy to eat, breathe in some fresh air and try not to think about work for awhile. Or if you can’t help yourself, calmly think about how you are going to attack a problem when you get back.
You’ll be surprised how well this works. You’ll feel energised, refreshed and ready for a big afternoon of work.
Get it done – today!