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Keyboard shortcuts for Android

Typing on a touch-screen keyboard can take some getting used to, especially if you’re on a smartphone with a particularly small screen.   Thankfully there are a number of shortcuts you can use on Android that will help you along, and help you type that little bit faster:   Alt + Trackball left = move […]
Emma Krieger

Tech TricksTyping on a touch-screen keyboard can take some getting used to, especially if you’re on a smartphone with a particularly small screen.


Thankfully there are a number of shortcuts you can use on Android that will help you along, and help you type that little bit faster:


  • Alt + Trackball left = move curser to start of line
  • Alt + Trackball right = move curser to right of line
  • Shiftx2 = turn caps lock on
  • Alt + Del = delete line of text
  • Alt + space = insert character
  • Menu + x = Cut text
  • Menu + c = copy text
  • Menu + v = past text
  • Menu + a = select all text