Parents of small children are consistently plagued by fears of their children getting lost or wandering off.
Shopping centres across Australia announce daily that an unattended child has fallen into their care. Any parent, grandparent or nanny who has experienced the trauma of this temporary child-misplacement knows it is something to be avoided at all costs.
Fortunately, US company Safetytat has come up with a solution to alleviate these fears: a temporary tattoo, with the parent’s mobile phone number, that temporarily adheres to skin.
Once applied to a child’s arm, it is highly visible and water resistant. There is also a blank option on which customers can write their own details. And really, what child doesn’t like wearing tattoos?
But why stop there? Safety-clothing is the most obvious choice. T-shirts detailing a fun design with a phone-number incorporated would be functional for any number of crowded social events: amusement parks, festivals or even a trip to the playground. Kids would be happy to wear them and parents would relax knowing their offspring are safe.
Embroidered bathers could make life easier for lifeguards and prove hard for kids to lose. Trips to the beach would be the stress-free ventures they were intended.
Designs would be cheap and customising to buyers specifications quick to incorporate. All in all, a perfect venture for a parent who would truly understand the need for such a product.