The start of the new financial year provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs to take a good look at the way they do business.
One particular area to focus on is the paperwork that customers must complete to do business with you – this might be forms, invoices or contracts.
Firstly, make sure it’s all up-to-date – any pre-filled-in dates are correct, the name of legislation you might refer to is correct and your company’s details (address and phone number) are all right as well.
Secondly, get a feel for how complicated the forms are. To test this, ask a few customers for some feedback or slip the forms to a trusted friend or mentor.
How long do they take to fill out? Are they confusing in any way? Do the forms raise questions that your customer service team will need to spend time answering?
If the forms, contracts or invoices are really easy to use, you’re putting a barrier between you and your customers. Sure, it’s a small barrier, but in the current climate you don’t need even the slightest hurdle.
Get it done – today!