You will be happy to know the Taskmaster is refreshed and raring to go after spending a bit over a week in a cave in northwest India, where I did not speak, eat or drink for four days and nights.
Okay, I was in a caravan in Byron watching the cricket, but I feel quite good anyway.
I haven’t thought too much about Taskmaster Enterprises during the break, but like many of you, I have come back to work with the idea that I need to eliminate clutter from my life if possible – both on a personal and business level.
The way I have decided to do this is pretty simple. I am going to pick the three things I am good at, and concentrate on them.
For me, that’s about strategising, business development and culture. I am not going to worry too much about administrative tasks or selling or marketing. Don’t worry, I’ll still have plenty to say about those things, but in terms of actual work I am going to narrow my focus where I can.
I think this will be good for both my business and for myself. I’ll be contributing where I am most useful and, with any luck, being even more productive by concentrating on the areas where I have real skill.
What will you focus on this year?
Get it done – today!