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What about the price and marketing?   We defined the price internally, based on the value of the case and the lifespan of the functionality. The product represents quality and we’ve not found any challenges in terms of price.   We were very lucky in that two weeks after we launched our website with the […]
Oliver Milman

What about the price and marketing?


We defined the price internally, based on the value of the case and the lifespan of the functionality. The product represents quality and we’ve not found any challenges in terms of price.


We were very lucky in that two weeks after we launched our website with the concept, TechCrunch picked us up. It really took off then – hundreds of other sites picked it up.


We were able to provide the product on a pre-order basis and it’s only now that we are thinking up a more formalised way of doing it.



How have people taken to the products?


Very well. We’ve sold 10,000 to Walmart already, since July 2010, when we came up with the first product, Wallee.


Initially, the iPad was too heavy to use in certain ways, but now it is used in a million different environments – retailers use it as a point-of-sale tool, for example, or people in wheelchairs use it on a head rest.


People only have to buy one case – they can then get accessories such as stands on top of that. People like that.


What’s next?


We’ve got eight to 10 major projects on the go in the next 12 months. I’m full-time, while three others are part-time.


We are working on a product to be used in public spaces called Wallee Lock – which locks the button and secures the iPad, so that it can be used in a museum, for example, and not be stolen.


It would’ve cost us millions of dollars to get a patent, so we realised the best way to protect your market share is get out there first and do it better than everyone else.


I think, these days, there is no real protection. Anything can be copied. The only way to safeguard your product is through service, innovation and quality.


I’m confident that we will do as well or better than everyone else. If we focus on growth, innovation will follow.


It’s too early to be setting goals, but we will need a major expansion in distribution in the US and Europe – that’s the growth strategy. But, for now, the goal is to get the products in as many hands as possible.