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The top five website errors committed by Aussie SMEs

3. Spelling mistakes     Concern over spelling mistakes is, at 29%, the joint third most common website woe suffered by small businesses.   These errors can creep in at the end of a long development process, according to Snap.   “Some of these sites drag on [when they’re being built] and people get a […]
Michelle Hammond

3. Spelling mistakes




Concern over spelling mistakes is, at 29%, the joint third most common website woe suffered by small businesses.


These errors can creep in at the end of a long development process, according to Snap.


Some of these sites drag on [when they’re being built] and people get a bit of fatigue in the process and eventually just say, ‘Let’s get this done’,” says Edwards.


Get someone to proofread all the copy on your website and get friends and family to test it, to ensure there are no amateurish bugs that you’ve missed.


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