Old Taskmaster has just spent part of the morning perusing LinkedIn, My Career, Seek and other major jobs websites.
Oh don’t worry, I’m not planning on leaving Taskmaster Towers – at least not just yet.
The motivation for this little job hunt? This morning, there was a news story about an internal Microsoft project to, basically, combine the desktop and smartphone versions of Windows.
Why did this piece of news become public? Because they advertised for employees to work on the project.
The news got me thinking about my old business rival, Snoqualmire. As nice as it is to eat old Soviet relics in order to get the inside word about the widget industry, there’s a wealth of knowledge that can be quickly gained from your desk via a simple search of the various jobs sites.
Aside from gaining the inside word on new projects in your industry, if you search semi-regularly, you can also notice patterns emerge.
For example, one of your competitors might have advertised for three different office assistants performing the exact same duties in the same six months. With a staff turnover rate like that, something interesting is going on!
Which just leaves the question: Who’s hiring in your industry?
If you’re not sure, it might be time to take a look at some job sites.
Get it done – today!