Online DVD rental service Quickflix, backed by entrepreneur Simon Baker, has been enjoying steady growth in the past few years due to the increased take-up of online retailing. But the company has taken things a step further with the launch of the official Quickflix iPhone App.
The company itself offers users the ability to rent DVDs online. The company sends out a certain amount of discs per month, depending on your subscription plan, while users watch the films and then return them in a pre-paid envelope.
The app allows customers to create “queues” of their favourite films, so they don’t have to waste time picking a DVD each week, and a library of current available films is also on offer.
The app also lists the most popular titles on the store at that current moment, while a “top 100” and new release titles list is also available.
While the subscription service costs users different amounts depending on their plan, this app is completely free.