Australian businesses are increasingly adopting a hybrid mix of local and cloud infrastructure for their datacentres, with Australian organisations relying on third-party or cloud datacentres for 36% of their ICT infrastructure, according to new research.
A hybrid datacentre strategy combines a mix of local servers or infrastructure with off-site cloud services or backups.
An IDC study, titled “End-User Demand for Third Party Datacentre Services in Australia and New Zealand 2012”, also reveals that 37% of Australian organisations expect to increase the proportion of ICT infrastructure located in the cloud, with the largest growth in co-location expected for enterprises based in Victoria, Tasmania and Queensland.
“[Australian] organisations are moving from a narrow one datacentre, one DR facility strategy to adopting a broader ecosystem of services,” says IDC senior consultant Liam Gunson.
“However, organisation-owned datacentres will still be a feature of the market and the adoption of different third-party datacentre services will be mixed across regions in both New Zealand and Australia. Some regions will see strong growth, whilst others may witness a decline in the next two years.”