Jeff and Bobby Beaver run online retailer Zazzle in the US, which secured $US16 million in funding from Google’s original investors. Jeff says social media is critical to building a thriving online community.
“It’s important, but how it should be used is another question. What we’ve found is those services are great, Twitter is great for having a dialogue and really building relationships with customers. “
“What these things are not about are marketing and promotion. If you just use these to send promotions or market, then that’s not a social activity, then someone is trying to sell you something. As soon as you treat these things as promotional tools, then I don’t think it works. People don’t want to follow that, what they want is to build a relationship. “
“These people are the heartbeat of your site. If you’re not mindful and communicative with these folks, it’s not going to be healthy. We’ve seen that happen. Be open to all feedback from your community and don’t turn a blind eye.”
To read more about Jeff and Bobby Beaver and Zazzle.