Dear Aunty B,
We have a very well meaning guy who visits our shop every few days who is a bit like everyone’s favourite uncle and he always brings in lollies, sweets and cakes for us.
I know we should all have self-control and not eat the stuff but it sits there all day on the kitchen counter and we walk past the inviting plate of goodies all day long! There are three of us who have really stacked on the weight.
How do we tell him to stop without hurting his feelings? And what do we say to the stingy beanpole who eats the cake to increase his daily food and then boasts about how much money he is saving?
Dear Sue,
Turn it into a occupational health and safety issue – which it is. Bosses have a responsibility to provide a safe workplace for staff that is not going to impact on their health. Spending your working day stuffing carbohydrates and fats down your throat, with your teeth awash in sugar-laden saliva is neither healthy nor safe. Yeah, of course we should not eat the stuff, like we shouldn’t drink, speed and have sex with strangers.
If you haven’t got the guts to do it yourself, blame the Government. Tell him that the Government is getting very serious about junk food and is going to be coming around with a big stick, lecturing everyone about what they can pop in their mouths. Ask your favourite uncle to bring in a few flowers from his garden or a bit of fruit instead. Don’t be afraid to stand up to the purveyors of sweets and treats as they are damaging your health.
Be smart,
Your Aunty B