Dear Aunty B,
I am concerned about the amount of time my staff are spending on social networks. When I walk past their desks I can see their Facebook and Twitter accounts open and they don’t even attempt to close them down!
The difficulty is my staff work long hours and are often available on weekends or after hours so I certainly don’t begrudge them organising their lives during work time. But I am concerned it is impacting on productivity in difficult times for our business when we need all hands on deck.
Where is the line Aunty B and how do I even tell them there is a line?
Alan L,
Dear Alan L,
Sometimes I suspect you readers just want me to rewrite your questions into statements.
Try this:
Dear Staff,
I am concerned about the amount of time you are spending on social media sites. When I walk past your desks I see the sites open. I know you work long hours and are available out of hours when needed so I certainly don’t begrudge you organising your private lives in work time. But there is a line, and I am concerned this might be impacting on productivity in difficult times when we need all hands on deck.
So Alan you just need to add one line to this:
Thanks for keeping your social media activity to a minimum level!
And sign your name. That’s it. A friendly reminder will do the trick. And you knew that all along.
Be smart,
Your Aunty B