Don’t feel guilty about using some good-new-fashioned technology to help you survive the Christmas rush.
End of the Xmas tether
Have you found yourself at the end of your tether, without another moment to spare, caught up in the Christmas rush, and with hardly anything done??
I know the feeling… There are only a few days ‘til Christmas, and have you, despite your best intentions, not sent out all those Christmas cards to all those loyal clients? I have to admit, this work/life coach found herself in the same predicament this morning.
Between moving house, working on a new company, getting sick, coaching clients, and preparing for the arrival next year of a new baby, somehow I didn’t get around to putting pen to paper…
If you’ve found yourself in the same situation, all is not lost. Send your greetings by email – by bulk email, if you have to! We are, after all, an email society. There’s absolutely no need to feel funny about doing things the “new-fashioned” way!
And, hey, you’ll be saving some trees at the same time… Have a sensational Christmas and an exceptional new year, and remember to give yourself and your family the special attention you all deserve.
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