Just because we are at work doesn’t mean our ‘life’ needs stop. Here are some tips to make ‘work’ more livable.
Work/work balance
I often talk about ways to balance work and home life, but I don’t often talk about how to balance work and work!
By this I mean that most of us are stuck in a corporate office or a home office for eight, 10, maybe 12 or more hours per day, moving from one task to the next with a steely focus, deeply ingrained in what we are doing.
But, just because we have work to do doesn’t mean we can’t take little breaks throughout the day. Here are some tips:
1. Have a stretch – If you are working at a computer, it’s really important to give yourself regular little breaks, so your eyes and shoulders and back can have a rest. Every hour, on the hour, make it a point to get up from your desk and have a stretch.
2. Get out at lunchtime – Eating at your desk is such a big no-no. I know it’s an easy habit to get into, but it makes it much more likely that you won’t get any breaks throughout your day. Everyone’s entitled to a lunch break, so get outside into the sun, sit in a park, or go for a walk. Check out the local shops or phone a friend.
3. Get a glass of water – A great way to ensure you get your breaks, stretch your legs, and keep yourself hydrated, is to get up and get yourself a glass of water regularly. We should be drinking eight of them a day, so get cracking!
These tips seem so simple, yet so many people do not do them. I assure you, if you give yourself regular little “pit-stops” throughout the day, you will find that your productivity increases, and you may just enjoy work a whole lot more!
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